ThERE iS NEVer No ReAl ReASOn !

sometimes you just reach a point in life when you sit wonder and talk to yourself rather question yourself where did we start and where did we want to go, and where have we come…what have we become !

 and most often it happens under the influence of a dark lonely night or the much blamed alcohol
independence for a women as necessary it is today, somewhere it has its cons too, not practically but emotionally . they seem to have forgotten to adjust, they seem to have forgotten to settle for a little less, and they seem to have understood the fine line between fantasy and reality . Because a woman of today would rather stay alone than commit her life to someone who gives a hint that he does not deserve any bit of her emotion. 
now one cant help but wonder, have we become romantically challenged,  or just because making choices is the evolving trend, falling in love and bouncing back has just become a way of life ! 
we seem to have evolved so much that in passing time we would have to google what love feels like ! or what does commitment mean ! and every other love story would be a classic !
we have lost patience , we have misunderstood persistence and we have abused the very basic human emotion called ” love “.
we give up on a person as if he or she is a trouble website that is either too slow or just wont open so we just close the page . 
we write off people like they have no heart, with some that i have come across to my horror i actually feel they dont !!! i wonder how do they live with their conscience ! and i prefer not to research and write on them as i fear i will discover a rare evolving human species that are all material and express emotions better through emoticons !!! 😛 
today is one of those mornings where i can just keep writing but i have to collate and put all the thoughts together ! 
so i would conclude somewhere hoping that women dont turn into barbies and men well, as the saying goes “men will be men” , but i honestly feel a little bad for them as they seem most confused about the new independent women, as men never understood the sorted women, how the hell will they ever understand the ones who arnt ! 
” love is an emotion, no tonic, no device 
love for no reason , as no reason will suffice ” 

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